good morning world
this week has been a series of crashing into sleep while meaning to do a million needed or wanted things(like even thou it seems it all went by in a blur, I like to think I've learned some things that I didn't know b4 the week began..that my great teacher the Holy Spirit has shown me..reflecting..that's what I need...
I've learned it's possible to take wings and fly on the very thought of God's intense and personable love for's even possible for me to explode and float in space with the love I feel for Him(and I will expound on this a little more later)
I've learned that I need to love my enemies and that Jesus will help me do is pray for them and watch God change hearts..mines and theirs...I've seen it in front of my very eyes this week...folk that if looks could kill,well u know....folk where I could feel their hatred of me(and of course the real is that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood") and it felt like prick pins all over my I could say I'm used to it..but some things u never get used to..what is awesome is that Christ is revealing to me the who,what,where,when and why behind it and that helps me go through it with joy...
Now right about now u might be thinking, "well what has she done to make people hate her?"....nothing. Some folk just decide they don't like you and they don't even know why..everyone has this in their life...and I used to wrack my brain and try to turn myself inside out to figure out what I could've possibly did...nothing. Enemies will always be...but praise be to God, I am victorious over my enemies in the name of Jesus...of course
thee enemy is behind it...but God legislates it all...sometimes God allows offenses..yes , that's right..he will allow me to be wounded...but it's always for my growth/gold and for His glory...he
always pulls the sun right out of the rain...oh I love Him so...He knows exactly what He's doing in my life and the more that truth is revealed to me by His Spirit, the more I can relax into His bosom and allow Him to fight my battles through my bended knee and surrended spirit...and the more I fall in love with Him.
whew! that was a that I think about it, there were a thousand lessons this week for me....I'll just do some highlights...learning to be excellent in all that I praise God through the work I do at my job(even though I don't like that job!)...God has blessed me w/it and entrusted me to it...I can't ask for His blessings in my life and expect to shuck and jive and dip and dive and do shoddy work...yet even though I've witnessed me doing this and Him
still blessing me..that's His mercy..His righteousness..His grace..His favor..HIM. simply amazing...
okay my mind is drawing a blank again(happens sometimes)...I think cause there's so much coming to me all at once that my brain is
also learning to reach for Jesus when I have blue days and not reach for everything/everyone else but Him....He really does want to share all of my life...all of it
ok now onto that love that has me exploding and flying...chile I've been listening to Israel and New Breed..just been ministering to me all week...I'm a singer and praise/worshipper and I'm sitting at my desk like AHHHHHHHHHH! ready to jump off the walls listening to the anointing of God thru this man's ministry of is the most radical and crazymadbeautiful music I've ever heard!! I could barely sit still and concentrate on my work...I just wanted to scream,fly,dance and sing to the Lord..but of course I couldn't very well stand on the top of my desk and do could I? but....why not? day I wanna do it.
anyways just private things the Spirit of the living God would whisper into my spirit and ears just drew me to Him more and more and in love more and more....I'm a natural of course I was tearing up at the computer...whew ! I could barely contain that's what I'm listening to now....please...if u get a chance to get his music..."Live From Another Level"..u won't regret it...let Jesus wrap you in His arms and manifest all of His love/light onto you...cause that's what I gotta do right now....
thx for ur eyes..
luv u in Christ.