Saturday, April 04, 2009


2! hi guys and gals..

so i'll start right in...I'm clogged up right now. Clogged up with things i'm supposed 2 b doing and not doing and things i'm doing and shouldn't be doing..ya'll know I keeps it real in this blog.

I sat in bible school today and felt connected and worshipful in some real ways but then i also felt..or my heart also felt at a distance. The Lord is a heart-reader and I know my heart can't hide from Him. I know He's just waiting for me to come. This is even hard for me to write. But maybe someone else out there is struggling w/the same things right now. maybe this will help u.

writing about something or someone you keep half dipped in fantasy, crystallizes it into reality. Writing is's getting out of the head and putting that heart on paper. Writing is digest. I thank God for my pen.

ahhh so I gotta go now..

my heart needs its' Healer.

love ya