Tuesday, December 26, 2006

James Brown

a sad loss..my prayers for comfort, strength, mercy and grace go up for the family of Mr. Brown.

Monday, December 25, 2006

i know this is late but...

How u gonna deem PLUTO no longer a planet in our solar system??!!
it's not your call.



u gotta go through it first

blessed evening..
I just wrapped up another lovely conversation w/my Christian counselor. I thank God for placing her in my life. So many wonderful accolades flood in when I think about her and God's work in me thru her. One of the most phenomenal human beings I've had the pleasure of knowing. Sometimes in the office, it's been rough..not always sugarplums and cinnamon hugs..but she gives me the absolute truth that the Holy Spirit reveals to her and I am eternally grateful.
So anyways we were discussing a loved one & all that person has suffered and how it's brought them so much closer to Jesus and more determined to battle in the Kingdom of God. And I was saying how the songs that i write now are just on a whole 'nother level. The suffering that proceeds my writing is extremely painful. and she said " you gotta go through it first". The afterglow and gold will come from nothing less. I've got to experience it first! She said "what do u think Jesus meant by "take up your cross and follow me"?". We really have to take up our cross. We're in constant spiritual warfare & our suffering can't compare to what Jesus has for us on the other side of our pain. How amazing!
I can't imagine the horror of suffering without Jesus. and I don't want to. There was many a time when I actually tried to put off God and walk away and leave Him alone and asked Him to leave me alone. NOPE. not gonna work. My existence, my life DOES NOT work without Him. That's what I know for sure. We can't take ourself out of Christ's hands if we tried. The Bible talks about how far Christ will go to get us. You "make your bed in hell"..He'll be right there.
I used to just focus on the part of the scripture "No weapon formed against you shall prosper" "against you shall prosper". Without paying attention to the fact that weapons do form against us!! The Holy Spirit illuminated that truth to me. But praise be to God they will not prosper!
When I got off the phone with her, I was filled, as usual and just worshipping God at the foot of my bed. Thank God He orders the rain in my life as well as the sun.
and that my friends,
is the sun and rain of it all.

Merry Christmas




Friday, December 22, 2006

oh, I see

Member I told u that God allowed me to be in another department for a month? and that department was peaceful and I would reach my quota by 10a.m.??
Well, that's over. It's like He set a miracle before me just for a time and now I'm back. Been back for about a month. oh trust me, in the beginning I WAS NOT a happy camper. I struggled against bitter feelings & downright having a tempter tantrum with God. I wondered why He couldn't extend my stay longer?? I wondered how come other people got to stay and I didn't? Lord, don't you see I'm drowning here and you COULD throw out a lifeline!! oh my arguements swung wild and low.
Did I forget that His love is my lifeline?! That He didn't have to give me favor in the first place..He didn't have to bring relief. He is not only the open door..but He is the door. and He had been good to me. Why was I yet again complaining? oh I just KNEW the Lord was sick of me!!
Now a month later, in my original department..I have not just been acheiving my quota, but I've been soaring past it and exceeding it!! wow! I sit around the ones who counted me out(including mgmt) & oh, I see now. Lord you rose me up in front of my enemies and caused me to soar against all odds! That's why you closed that other door...it was for YOUR GREATER GLORY! So they can see the extraordinary in the ordinary. So they might be drawn as well..by His marvelous light shining through me.
Now and then I quietly wish I was still in that other dept..but then I look around me and see the "prepared table" before me in the presence of my enemies. God is awesome yall! and I pray I will always see Him over any circumstance.
praise Him!!

p.s. oh, I see..Lord you fly and so must I(pushed off cliffs and all..kinda comes with the package!!)lol..thanks Father God.

**studio update**

peace world
so-many folk keep asking me where is my cd at? or why I haven't put out one yet??
and honestly, it feels good 2 b asked. My answer was "it's coming". I say was b/c a few things have changed and now I say "I'm in my process". Because that's just where I am.
Yes there's been a hiatus while I work on cultivating other gifts graciously lent to me by Christ..such as my dancing. I am in a church Christmas play and I have a solo dance, as well as a combination dance w/the other praise dancers. Trust me, I am thrilled about it. But I still miss working on my cd.
Another reason for the hiatus is my cuz had some others things as well to attend to and cultivate and we have promised to come back together in January-full steam ahead. Meanwhile, I listen to the voice of God and use time wisely to work on my songwriting and going out to perform my songs. So I can be ready when divine opportunities come forth. God's working on me, like pounding on me(as His clay)and developing my character and changing my nature. This hurts yall..point blank. No sugar-coating or getting around it. I MUST have the character to keep me where God dreams for me to be...the heights and sometimes the valleys.
Discipline has been the hugest lessons lately. I almost got fired from my job b/c of my age-old battle with lateness. I have done much better in recent years..but I still must submit more and die more to this stinking flesh & destructive habits. I praise God for His mercy, favor and grace in keeping my job.

Well I didn't know I was gonna write all of this..but I just wanted to share what's been going on in Jaz's world. I will continue to be "made over" in the image of Christ..b/c that is God's promise to me.

One thing I am coming to understand and know...I will be bow to God or be broken by God! OUCH, OUCH!! but thank you Lord anyways. You must be Lord over ALL parts of my life and my total heart must belong to you. Thank you for working on me and for preparing me to serve You with a glad and willing heart..drenched in Your love.

I love u Jesus :-)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Hi boo!

hi blog..hi world..I know I haven't updated this much as of late, but that's what happens when your computer has serious mood swings. I love the changes with betablogger.
Anyways, how are u? I'm well. I'm blessed. I'm actually on my way to the best place in the world-NEW YORK. Man, the way the Lord worked this out for me is nothing short of amazing.
I find that Christ will take you to the last hour and beyond and keep you hanging for 'bout a minute or two or five..how about it's all about TRUST...and OBEDIENCE..and CHARACTER..and HIS GLORY.

peace & blessings
