Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Muted colors

Good evening world-

I'm confused alot right now. I'm left wondering just how long does the "closing rounds" of a fight last?? Because of the enormous stress levels I'm under, there's been some recent breathing challenges. Why do I stay in things until they traumatize me?? I still need much more faith and to stop leaning unto my own understanding. Will you pray with me? pray for me? I really really need it.
I hate not being able to see. Hate not seeing the road ahead. I really dislike being thrown off cliffs and grinded into dust. I'm feeling such a deep personal weakness that I feel my life is not counting for anything right now. Of course that's just a feeling..It's a lie. Jesus lives inside my life MUST count.
Yet I struggle to find the words to write this blog, that give justice to what I've been going through. It's been such a long fight. SO LONG. Sometimes I don't know whether I'm coming or going & I wonder who'll I'll be when it's all over(until the next lesson).
When quick smiles or glimmers of hope come, I relish them(yet w/an unfamiliar & uncharacteristic muted level of excitement)for I know they'll quickly fade. It's just the suffering is taking the color out of everything.
I can be real..can't I? Cause that's all I'm being yall. I never ever been at this level before. May God have mercy on my soul. I pray that no matter what happens to me, He gets His glory(unfortunately this is even spliced with a bit of sarcasm..sorry Lord)
God help me.

the rain of it all??

p.s. I still love you Jesus.

pain for gold-6/23/07

Current mood: loved

I marvel at Jehovah's creativity all over me as I go thru some grevious times. Yeah I'm still in those up, stirred, stripped, broken, nurtured, toughened, molded, humbled by the Almighty God. Can't no one do it like Him!
Thru my weeps and wails, moans & whispers out of sometimes an angry heart; Christ is writing poetry and song through me. As He always does. But it's just amazing for it to come forth when I least expect it. Honestly I hadn't even been talking to my Lord & there I was, on my knees, crying and writing and PRAISING. WOW!
I remember when cooling down after a recent workout on a Saturday morning, the Holy Spirit saying in my ear, clear as a bell, "Jesus died for you". And I'm like, "Holy Spirit I KNOW that". And then I began to get curious and ask Him for revelation. I felt He was saying to me "Jesus died for you, and now you must CONTINUE to die for Him". WOW again. I shared it w/my mom and she offered that God's Spirit was telling me that Jesus died for this too. This being the fires I'm in. He died for all of it. The confusion, the pain, the anguish, the despair, the hopelessness, the feeling forsakenness, the doubt. All those different deep levels that's washed over me these last couple months & shipwrecked me onto His bosom. How precious of Him to tell me remind me of His remind me of His remind me of His heart. A heart that the enemy wants me to doubt.
I remember when the Lord used my mom to remind me that I still have an enemy. Still have an adversary who slithers and stalks the Lord's elect & loves to pounce on us when we're wounded & weakened from ongoing pain & suffering. In my fog, I had forgotten. I spent so much time feeling as if the Lord had turned on me that I neglected to see the real enemy. I'm so sorry Father God.
I remember just last night after watching "Facing the Giants" with a jaded eye, that before I knew it, surprised & oversized tears fell and heavied hands went up to give Him much praise. I felt His hug and His kiss and His reassurance. Really no words in the english language do justice in describing how I felt in those precious moments. Hey, can I bottle this?
I'm taking the time to remember so I can stand on the Word of God that says, "Because of your love, we are not consumed". I am still here. Still breathing. Still fighting. Still growing. Still in love. Oh yeah, I'm still in love w/my Lord and my Husband Jesus Christ. For I had thought that angry period took this away. Yet, another lie.
Thank God that He doesn't throw us away when we get attitudes and shut down and turn away. Thank God for much mercy...much grace..much compassion and much Holy Spirit intercession. Thank God that He knows His "accquainted with all my ways". Nothing, absolutely nothing comes as a surprise to Jesus. I'm learning to share ALL of me with Christ. good, bad, ugly & indifferent. Real relationship. The best I could and ever will have. How awesome!!!
Father God I thank you that I'm not even where I was a couple of weeks ago. Pain is still here but you are bringing gold to the surface. You are bigger than anything I could suffer on this earth. You are mightier and YOUR purposes for this shall prevail in and over my life for YOUR glory!
pain for gold
pain for gold
pain for gold
gold for GLORY.
It is truly ALL ABOUT HIM

Saturday, June 02, 2007

If you have wings, why aren't you flying??

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Current mood: creative Category: Life

Hey world! peace and blessings,
As an avid animal lover, I love to watch birds. I like to hear them singing to their creator and cocking their head from side to side. I like watching them interact w/one another. But most of all I like to watch them decide to fly. Key word: DECIDE.
I watch them perch on the edge of a ledge. They sit for a while. What are they thinking? Are they deciphering the distance? Building up strength for the trip? Evaluating any danger or pitfalls? Are they scared? Maybe their just reveling in the glorious fact of flight. Just like a lion knows that it is king of the jungle. Birds know their kings too. Splendor in flight.
I ask myself, "Why are they just sitting there?" "Why aren't they using their wings?"
And that's the question for us. Why aren't we using our wings? God-given. Inherited from our royal lineage of being reborn through Jesus blood and sacrifices. Why am I not using mines? It is a decision.
Flight does involve risk but I'm sure always glad and I always exhale when that perched bird finally spreads it's massive wingspan and soars all over Jehovah's skies. Bringing their creator glory.
Let us bring Him glory as well, through our flight.
give us courage dear Lord, inspite of all the risks, to fly in the name of Jesus! amen