Saturday, June 02, 2007

If you have wings, why aren't you flying??

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Current mood: creative Category: Life

Hey world! peace and blessings,
As an avid animal lover, I love to watch birds. I like to hear them singing to their creator and cocking their head from side to side. I like watching them interact w/one another. But most of all I like to watch them decide to fly. Key word: DECIDE.
I watch them perch on the edge of a ledge. They sit for a while. What are they thinking? Are they deciphering the distance? Building up strength for the trip? Evaluating any danger or pitfalls? Are they scared? Maybe their just reveling in the glorious fact of flight. Just like a lion knows that it is king of the jungle. Birds know their kings too. Splendor in flight.
I ask myself, "Why are they just sitting there?" "Why aren't they using their wings?"
And that's the question for us. Why aren't we using our wings? God-given. Inherited from our royal lineage of being reborn through Jesus blood and sacrifices. Why am I not using mines? It is a decision.
Flight does involve risk but I'm sure always glad and I always exhale when that perched bird finally spreads it's massive wingspan and soars all over Jehovah's skies. Bringing their creator glory.
Let us bring Him glory as well, through our flight.
give us courage dear Lord, inspite of all the risks, to fly in the name of Jesus! amen


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