Sunday, March 30, 2008


so many things to do, so little time.
Is that what they say?

Over the past few weeks, I've been challenged to find the time to split between 3 different studies. Bible college, driving & life license. Wow. Well I haven't managed to balance it all. Of course, God's work got put last.
Today I got all my 2nd quarter midterm and final papers back from being graded in Bible college. God put me first. I got all A's. I felt so very ashamed and bowed by head in embarressment. Of course I'm thankful and grateful and now just praying that I would put in as much work and passion into my bible study as I am the other classes.

Remember how I agonized over finishing those papers? How I thought I couldn't do it? How I would stay up 'til the wee hours of the morning cramming and studying, things that I hadn't studied b4 the test that I should've? Well I've studied even less this quarter...oh shux, I haven't studied at all. Why am I in bible college? Because God called me to it. Then I need to completely surrender to discipline and balance and obedience. I need to ask God to give me a passion for His Word. I need to stop blaming it all on time.

Sometimes I resist a schedule. I don't like the restriction of it. I like freedom. But true freedom comes w/discipline. God grant me divine wisdom and teach me how to utilize the time You bless me with. Help me to want to come in alignment and order. Help me to put the Holy Spirit's counsel into action. To take each day of the week and assign different study times. I can feel my resistance. Help me dear Lord to joyfully submit to You in this area of my life.

There are gonna be activities and things that I'm gonna have to say no to. My karaoke may have to take a back seat for now. I can't be slack and sloppy and just offer God any old thing. My very best should be offered to You oh Lord. Thou my Father who has given me a mind to acquire knowledge,I've gotta do things differently. Or I'll just be buried under excuses and procrastination and regret and unfinished things and disobedience.

Empower me to do all that You have called me to do Lord. Again, I pray for joy. That I will want to please You my Father. That I will avail myself to private study time. Turn off the t.v., internet and phone if need be. I can do this with You Lord....but I must avail myself to You. Bless me with excellence. Endow me with surrender. Grant me a willing spirit Abba Father. Strip me of all excuses. "...all other ground is sinking sand".

time is not an excuse

time belongs to You


Excellence oh Father


Monday, March 17, 2008

chat & chew comin'

i'm still here lovelies!

lots of stuff to update u on and just chat & chew with u about

i miss u

'till we meet again...

love n Christ,