Saturday, July 22, 2006

Leaky Faucets and Jesus Blood

I looked at my new bathroom sink today and thought "yeah but because of the leaks, I can't use it". And I thought "Wow, what if the Lord thought of and treated me in that way?". Because of my flaws and leaky faucets and breaks that He couldn't use me...that I would be thrown away-discarded. And I marvel at sometimes because of that, He uses His children. Saul, persecuting God's people, later on becoming Paul. A prostitute wiping the Lord's feet with her hair and thus being recorded in God's word..held in high esteem and favor for generations past,present & future. Moses,throwing down the tablets of the Ten Commandments and not being allowed to cross over but still being called a friend of God and able to talk w/God "face to face" and allowed to see His glory. If the Lord wanted to, He could've cast all these aside b/c of their issues...but no..He used them mightily.
We think the Lord doesn't want us because we're "damaged goods"..too tainted by the Fall and too much like sin to ever be forgiven, let alone loved & desired by the Lord Jesus Christ. So we run away from Him...and/or we come to Him & stay for a hot minute but then confronted w/our own failures and unrighteousness..we're gone! out! 'Sides, how can God want this mess!? Of course that's what the enemy wants us to we can stay away from Jesus and never develop that relationship that His precious blood so miraculously provided. The enemy wants us to think we're beyond reach..beyond repair..beyond reproach. No victory, no power, no freedom, no peace..chained up and enslaved as if Christ never died for us but left us out of the Garden of Eden-naked, ashamed and too far gone for any redemption.
I even struggle with this at times. Sometimes I hear myself thinking "you are too much of a mess". And what we think, what's in that deep subconscious..isn't that what we ACT out? You feel like trash, you can begin to act like it. You don't feel no type of love for yourself, you stop taking care of yourself and also can't receive any love in...from anyone, let alone God.
God's not going to leave us alone,beloved. He will go to the far ends of the earth just to have us. Can you believe it? Can you receive it? Sometimes I'm like, "Lord, why in the heck do you want me???" "What for?" "I'm just gonna end up disappointing you and I'm just gonna end up messing up what you've invested in me..leave me be..I'm a lost cause." Have you ever felt this way? Maybe you didn't even know this thought/this poison in your mind but your life spinning out of control, could be manifest of it.
AAh but my Father is faithful and longsuffering with me and merciful and compassionate and kind and understanding. He waits for me. Sometimes He gives me a lil' push. He reminds me of His love. He reminds me of Calvary. He helps me receive His love and to not live under condemnation. He helps me to forgive myself, get up and continue that walk..ONE STEP AT A TIME.

"Father, I pray that if someone is feeling unloveable right now, that you put your arms around them and help them to receive your love. Your balm. Your Spirit. Help them to forgive themselves. Show them Lord that you mean them good and wealth and peace and soundness, even if they're going through right now. Let them feel You in a way that they never have. Minister to those broken places and those tears and those leaks and wounds and scars. Destroy the lies in their minds that have them believing they're beyond help. Oh God get your glory even out of their tears. Wipe their brow and scoop them up in your bosom. Love them well. Love them whole. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

I love you.
Jesus loves you the most. The best.
"He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it".


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