Saturday, February 09, 2008

the sun and rain of it all

Today was my first day back at bible college and God blessed me to be able to turn in my 3 papers completed and on time!

My first entry ever into the International Songwriting Competition was turned down. I cried. I wondered what made all the winners songs so much better than mines?

What God wants me to know is that He is the Architect of my life. He is the Lord of my sun and my rain. Only He knows and sees the full picture. Only God knows why my songs weren't chosen. I thank God that I can receive power and courage from Him to go forth and enter into the competition again and again and again. Divine strength and determination to never stop reaching for those dizzying heights and never stop going after my dreams. I will not go "quietly into the night". The enemy means to discourage me and stop me in my tracks. NO! I am victorious in Jesus Christ son of the Living God! He knows my path. He guides my steps. He orders my life.




Blogger moonbaby said...

Jaz!!! You know God's got a huuuuuuge purpose for your life, one that involves you using ALL of the wonderful gifts He's given you. Don't give up! The enemy wants you to feel depressed about it so you won't want to submit your work anymore. Keep doing the darn thing, your creative writing ability is explosive!!! With prayer, patience and perseverance (triple P what what I just made that up lol I'm a dork) He will see each of His children through! You have encouraged me, and I want you to keep pressing on! Keep sharing, keep praising, keep striving!!! Lady, my celibacy anniversary has fallen on Valentine's Day! We're in this together!!! lol

Mmm, the things I see while on SEPTA (in broad daylight even!!!) are a hot mess. Some of it is even on SEPTA!!! LOL!

And I think you did an awesome job, your stage presence is amazing. It's like you command us with your voice...I know you probably don't think of it that way-but you could hear a pin drop when you were singing. Glory to God, EVERYBODY IN THAT ROOM REALLY NEEDED TO HEAR IT!!!

P.S. you are defnitely not clogging my blog, I imagine that you are the only one that reads it anyway. Your feedback is mucho appreciated, it's almost like a correspondence between us.

9:02 AM  
Blogger moonbaby said...

Oh and also you look absolutely GORGEOUS!!! With God's help, we can keep dropping these lbs.!!! I ain't tryna pull an Ellen on you, but your skin is so luminous!!! You are a beautiful woman. And those hips!!! You betta get cha Shakira on!!!

9:07 AM  

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