Sunday, February 10, 2008

I recommend dreaming

once again today I was dreaming...I almost bought a butterfly shirt w/the word "dreamer" on it(on sale for $4 @Burlington!)...I watched the Grammy's and I I always do..that one day I'll grace that stage. I recommend dreaming...please do. But now Christ has brought me to the knowledge that work comes w/it.

back to dreaming. I dreamed about collaborations w/Alycia Keys & sharing the stage w/Israel Haughton & BeBe Winans & The legendary Clark Sisters for that matter!!! Alycia sang her heart out onto that stage! She performs with her whole entire being! dang...imagine it being for the Lord!

It struck me how the organizers manage to "squeeze" Jesus in...I was so very proud of my brothers and sisters in Christ up there in front of a Grammy audience lifting up the name of the Lord!! The world makes fun of us....think we always singing and dancing and shouting and praising and choir-robeing it...probably calling us "Holy rollers"..and that's okay...cause all I kept hearing in my spirit is "Every knee shall bow and EVERY tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" day my day You shall crack the sky and reign until ALL enemies are under Your feet! And we-Your people-are gonna reign with You!!! I was quietly praying in my spirit that as they sang praises, that folk would get saved right there in their seats, backstage, in the sound room, in the green room, in the makeup room, in the bathroom! to the glory of God!

While I was thinking about this, it struck me how I many times "squeeze" Jesus in. Giving other things my full time and attention and leaving leftovers for my Lord. I continue to pray for radical obedience and passionate love for my Saviour and that I would not be afraid to allow Christ to be Lord over ALL parts of my life.

Today in church the question was "Is Christ being formed in you"? I also heard the pastor say "when I see a storm cloud coming, I'm gonna praise Him!" Oh Father God, please bring me to that place, cause I am not there yet. To Your glory, I must learn how to see the beauty in every raincloud and praise You for choosing me to display Your display Your display Your life. Your life. Your life. YOUR LIFE.

May Your dreams for me come to fruition, in the name of Jesus the Christ. amen



Blogger moonbaby said...

Oh my Jazzypoo!!! Thanks for the love. Jaz, I always hear people saying "you can be whatever you want to be" on television and stuff, and I never take it seriously, but it's true!!! There are so many things I've wanted to do in my life, but I've passed on the opportunity because I never had the FAITH!!! Lady, you can grab that bull by both its horns. You can drop your album, and with the Lord's hand on it you WILL be gracing that stage! Your dreams are not for naught!!! By the way, that sounds like an AWESOME collabo WOAH!!!

As far as the "holy roller" thing, that is so true. They think we're just stomp/clapping/singing/yelling hypocrites, and that's a stereotype that is hard to demolish. That's alright you said...EVERY tongue shall confess...

Ya betta blog!!!

8:29 AM  

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