Saturday, October 13, 2007

Yes, you can understand God's Word

Did I tell you how much the precious Holy Spirit is illuminating God's Word to me?
Today in bible college, the class had to present 4 minute speeches they wrote describing an object, event, person or situation. The miraculous thing about it is that God had given me what was going to be my speech, before that assignment was given. I had just read Isaiah 40 a few days b4 the assignment and just begin to experience the power & comfort of God, as His Word became life to me. God's Word is always alive, but not every Christian experiences it becoming life to them.
Sometimes we read out of duty or habit or just by chance. Skimming the pages, but never getting the full life-changing power of God's Word. So my speech was about my Bible journey all the way from childhood when God drew me by His Spirit at 7 yrs. old to now. How I used to think reading & studying the Bible was for others. That it didn't really apply to me. How I thought only ministers could understand or expound on it. How I believed that I could never really truly understand it. This has bothered me off & on throughout my life. But I never really spoke on it. Yet God reads the hearts of man. He used everything in my life(even the doubts & fears) to bring me to this point of being opened to the amazing truth of understanding & divine illumination of His Word. I am still yet rejoicing!
I was asked to read my speech again for tomorrow's Sunday service. I am glad that it blessed someone & that it will continue to bless the body of Christ. I know it brings God much glory & honor. Others who experience the same fears I did, can truly be delivered and begin to look at and experience the Bible in a brand new way!! I love it, love it, love it that all wise God has others in mind, when we go through. He was even thinking of others in His body who would be free from what He wrote through me. Simply miraculous!!
And He keeps on blessing. He is getting me to the point of reading my Word every day. And now adding studying on top of that. I'm excited.
So my friends, if you'r experiencing any of this, let God know what's on your heart. I never even verbally told God about all that I was feeling, but He lives inside and knows His children through & through. I pray God will bring all of His people to "Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ" the glory, honor, power, majesty and dominion of God Almighty!! amen

love u


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