breathe in, breathe out
Sooo many things to update u on....
so I'm like an octopus couple of arms are handling the poetry side of things and the other arms are handling the music side. Last week began my first studio session & come 2 wks. I'll be(if God grant me life) sending out my first manuscript of poetry for a book publication award. wahoo and Hallelujah!!
I'm very pleased & grateful w/how God is helping me to progress in these areas that I feel I should've done a long time ago. Maybe I wasn't ready back then, maybe I was too dis/unorganized & procrastinative (is that a word? lol). I believe so. And that's another thing, my belief in myself was very very low. Who puts something to task when they don't believe? Faith is necessary & life-breathing. So God knows all things and was working in me His good pleasure & will to bring about these works from my soul & from His bosom. We're in this together & I must not waste time looking back, but must forge ahead & bring Christ glory on this earth through what He's birthed in me. I'm very pleased. Even the more grateful & humbled.
The manuscript is my baby & for the first time, my poetry is gonna be racked over the coals in the editing process!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh! lol...I resist, but yet I must surrender. It's all part of the writing industry. God has already granted me favor by putting 2 editors in my pathway. They have both agreed to do it. WOW! So I know Christ is preparing me for whatever feedback I'm gonna receive and I just wanna use everything as a learning tool. I must be pliable & teachable w/an open mind...even when I write. I'm learning. and again I'm grateful.
So it's all a balance(something the Lord has been working in me for YEARSSS!). When I feel & see how He truly is guiding me, it wells up my water ducts & I am so filled with love & adoration. That Christ can work with, on & thru the mess I am!!! goshdiggedeedarn & HALLELUJAH!!! lol
I know it's not about me and all, but Christ really wants His children to be wise & full of understanding. He wants us to be mature & grow. He wants us to take responsibility & be willing to learn. He does have us in mind and how we live our lives, when He brings about His glory through us. I learned in church today that when we go through, God has others in mind. Isn't that amazing!! Meaning He's already got who in mind that He's gonna heal off the pain of your wounds. It's so miraculously grand I can't wrap my brain around it! I'm reminded that God does a COMPLETE work. Thank you Jesus.
Well I'm off to create some more.
I thank you God for choosing me to fulfill your purposes here on earth. May I never be hesistant to pour into others' lives & may I never be selfish to keep my blessings to myself. Help me, like the pastor said today, to go out and SEEK someone to bless. Not for pride but to be a reflection of Jesus' servant-walk here on earth. God the fact that you've made my mind like a poet's mind is blowing my mind. You didn't have to do it Lord and I just pray that I would honor you with it all the days of my life. For however long you choose to use me in this capacity(or any capacity of your liking), let me be radically obedient and overjoyous to do what thus sayeth the Lord! in the name of Jesus amen.
If I ever doubt that I'm blessed, let me take that quick test(thank you Pastor Waller!):
breathe in and breathe out!...
yeah, I'm blessed.
love u all
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