Thursday, July 19, 2007

When the Holy Spirit puts His finger on it

so, I loooove music

With that being said, I must continually submit it to Christ. Anything can become a god.
Many years ago in college, I immensly enjoyed listening to a female singer who literally, figuratively and unbeknowst to me at the time; spritually "rocked" my world. Her lyrics were so profound, engaging & alive. Even down to the way she performed was entrancing. She had walked me thru one of the darkest times in my life & her music was the soundtrack to that time. I would sometimes listen to her for days on end and allow all of me to be swept up and away in her melodies. I must admit some of her music was dark and heavy and it matched my melancholy to the letter. During the times I was determined to be depressed, this worked out perfectly. I wasn't relying on Jesus and His grace, mercy and power to bring me thru, I was relying on her. This of course, is dangerous. Even though I was much more immature in the Lord back then, clearly I did not want to submit this to Him.
The Spirit of God, many years later began to reveal some truths to me about this music. I quietly thought "surely God wouldn't take this away from me!" "knowing how much her music has meant to me!!".
I remember trying to gloss over the pricking I began to feel in my heart. Full of excuses for why I couldn't surrender this over to God, I reasoned it away. But I began to notice a dis-enabling of my enjoyment of her music. It began to fall off and I was soooo frustrated with that! But it was nothing I could do about it b/c Jesus was going to have His will done in my life. He WILL NOT have any other gods before Him.The final breaking was when my attention was drawn to an undeniable dishonoring of the Lord from one her song titles. That was it. I had to throw the tape in the trash!! and don't think that I was feeling that either. But it was like "are you going to honor God jaz??"
Now it has happened again. This time it's a band that I had fallen in love with years back. Being a songwriter & storyteller myself, I am foremost drawn to the lyrics in a song, as opposed to the melody. There seemed to be such positive messages with this band. But once again, the finger of God was extending in grace and mercy to open my eyes to the truth. Again, I resisted. But it wasn't as rigid as it had been years back. I knew just the fact that I didn't wanna look at it, meant I HAD to look at it. That was saying something huge. Honestly, I don't remember praying about it, but I remember wishing it not so. Dag! could I give them up too? I quietly wondered.
Christ did a quick work. Within hours one night, He allowed me to find out about the meaning of the band's name and once again it was a total dishonoring to my Lord Jesus. Another struggle ensued. "Can't I just listen to the songs and disregard the band's name?" NO. To do that would be to disregard Christ your Lord. I asked myself yet a second time "are you going to STAND for the Lord jaz? Are you going to choose to honor your Father?? well praise be to God, He helped me to say yes to Him and surrender! I felt somewhat ashamed that I hadn't wanted to surrender, but I know Christ has forgiven me and has brought me into His Light regarding that dark place.

Into His marvelous Light
Thank you Jesus, for opening up my eyes and glorifying yourself through this surrendered vessel. Forgive me for putting this above you in my life. I know there's many more things you must put your finger on and for that I say thank you. You are so dedicated and committed to my individual growth, seasoning and maturity in this walk with You. You are faithful to complete the work you started in me!!! And thus in all of your children! Hallelujah!!
thank you Alpha AND Omega
Thank you


Blogger Ben Rotten said...

Hey Jaz, that was pretty powerful. Hold on to your faith Sis. Peace and Love

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome testimony Jaz! You bring up some really good points--the best of which is, at which point do we draw the line between our flesh that would seek to be comforted, entertained and appeased and our spirit-man that would seek to honor God in all ways. You're right--it comes done to a choice, an intentional act of our will that has to put the brakes on the flesh.
Blessing you always,

3:31 AM  
Blogger Jaz said...

thanx b for the encouragement..God bless u and keep u

thx Birdie! the intentional act of our will..that is soo so true..thx for stopping by and reading. God bless u

12:22 AM  

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