Saturday, February 17, 2007

To love Him is to spend time with Him

How can I say I love Christ but not spend any time with Him? How can I not run to and long for His love letter to me..the Bible?
Right now I'm blogging and it's 7:25pm. Today I've not spend any personal time in my prayer closet with the Lord. I've done other things, I've even wasted time doing nothing. But no time for Him. This is a constant struggle for me, which I'm sure it is for many Christians. And God has even brought me victory in the struggle on many levels, but I still am not where I should be.
I could give many excuses. Like, I'm not feeling well physically today or I've been groggy from the medicine that I took as a result of not feeling well or "there's always time for that". The next second is not even promised. Yet, I sit here writing.
I wonder what God thinks when His children do this. And the worse thing is , is that WE miss out. I've admitted to my Lord that it's sometimes hard to talk to someone who is not physically there. He knows this. I won't beat myself up (the enemy already does a great job of that). I will repent and get off this computer and go into my Father's bosom to kiss His face and curl up in His presence. I don't think I'll ever get why He wants a personal relationship with ME. So unfaithful I am sometimes. But praise be to God for His mercyand unabashed love and consistent devotion to ME. Where would I be without Him?? I shudder to think...
Forgive me Lord and thank You for ALWAYS knocking at the door of my heart. May I mature more in this area and I praise you for perfecting all things that concern me..including this.
Be well world,
love Jaz



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