Monday, October 16, 2006

Ordered Steps

Saturday was wild! lol...
The morning began with me waking up trying 2 get in touch w/my cuz to make sure we were still on for the recording. I enlisted my mom to help me get the message to him since I don't have long distance & she does. Meantime, my Gmom calls and we get engaged into a nice long, divinely ordered conversation(we always do!). So I'm like on the phone w/her for hours(all the while the Lord ministering to me through her regarding a current hard situation going on in my life, of which I will blog about later). I keep hearing this clicking on the phone and kept feeling like someone might be trying to get through. Gmom says it isn't her line and I don't have a 2nd line, so what's going on? lol..I felt it stronger still, so after telling her I'd get back w/her later, I free up my line & call my mom back. Sure enough she and my cuz were trying 2 reach me..haha! the Lord was tapping the line! lol...also it's good to learn how to listen to those strong instinctual feelings inside.
Cuz and I decided 2 go forth w/it and I was to get the NJ Transit bus schedule together. So I call my Gmom back 2 update her and we get to talking again. I tried to wrap that conversation up but I couldn't get off that phone! lol..clearly I wasn't supposed to. Again, more ministry & prayers for me and finally I got off 2 get ready. Rrrringgg! another call from my cuz an hour later and I knew he wanted to know had I got the bus schedule together. As I began to tell him I was getting ready 2 do it, he was telling me that he only had free time until 4pm and it was already 12noon. Well I knew it wasn't gonna work out and it was o.k. I would be over there tomorrow(Sunday) for church & a surprise birthday party for my Uncle. So we promised to work on my music then.
I luv that God has my steps ordered. Sometimes I forget that or it's hard 2 believe when things appear chaotic & out of control. He knew how Saturday was to be. He knows the plans He has for me. Saturday was also a reminder for me to make sure that I follow-up w/things. That I probably should've gave my cuz a reminder the week prior, so it could be in both our minds. And so I learn my lessons and I go on in the Lord, knowing He's got it all in His hands. thanks Jesus.


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